儿童英语分级读物 外研社Hello Reader故事城堡1-4级 MP3音频+...

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发表于 2014-12-4 00:33 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 IP来自 中国广东深圳

外研社一直倡导已母语为习得的方式学习英语,让儿童在自然的语言环境中逐渐形成用英语思维的习惯。Hello Reader!故事城堡在选材中主要突出了四方面的特点:







3. 班级照片

5.海伦 凯勒的故事


1-1 One Snowy Day下雪天
Bear picked up the branches.小熊捡起了树枝。
Deer brought the broom.小鹿带来了扫帚。
Mouse borrowed the buttons.小老鼠借来了扣子。
Blue Jay flew in the scarf.蓝松鸡衔着围巾飞来了。
Kitten found the mittens.小猫找来了手套。
Squirrel carried the acorns.小松鼠拿来了橡果。
Rabbit gave up a carrot.小兔子贡献了一根胡萝卜。
Skunk offered the hat.臭鼬贡献了帽子。
Chipmunk juggled the cups.小花栗鼠摇摇晃晃地拿来了杯子。
Fox made the hot chocolate.小狐狸做好了热巧克力。
The animals rolled……动物们滚啊滚啊……
and rolled and rolled the snow.滚啊滚啊滚出了雪球。
Then they piled and piled the snow.然后它们堆呀堆呀把雪球堆起来了。
Bear attached the branches.小熊给它插上树枝。
Deer held the broom.小鹿举着扫帚。
Mouse pushed in the buttons.小老鼠给它安上扣子。
Blue Jay tied the scarf.蓝松鼠把围巾系上去。
Kitten slid on the mittens.小猫给它套上手套。
Squirrel added the acorns.小松鼠给它加上了橡果。
Rabbit put on the carrot.小兔子给它插上了胡萝卜。
Skunk placed the hat.臭鼬给它戴上了帽子。
Chipmunk passed out the cups.小花栗鼠给大家发杯子。
Fox poured the hot chocolate.小狐狸给大家倒热巧克力。
They raised their steaming cup—它们举起了冒着热气的杯子——
to toast their new friend.为它们的新朋友干杯。

1-2 The cat and the Bird in the Hat  快乐一家人

Once there was a cat named Spats.从前有一只猫,名叫斯派茨。
He was nearsighted.它是个近视眼。
He couldn’t see where he was going.它看不清自己要去哪里。
One day, while taking a walk, Spats found a hat.一天,斯派茨散步的时候

It was a fine hat.那是一顶很不错的帽子。
Spats put it on.它就把它戴在了头上。
But something was wrong with the hat.但这顶帽子有点儿不对劲。
A bird was living in the hat!帽子里住着一只小鸟!
Spats asked the bird to leave.斯派茨叫小鸟走开。
But the bird didn’t want to leave the hat.但小鸟并不想离开帽子。
While they were talking about it…它们正在争吵的时候……
Spats and the bird met a little girl named Milly.斯派茨和小鸟撞到了一个

The bird took back the hat.小鸟抢回了帽子。
“It’s my hat,” said Spat.“这是我的帽子,”斯派茨说。
“It’s my hat,” said the bird.“这是我的帽子,”小鸟说。
Milly said, “Why cant’s you both enjoy the hat?”米丽说:“你们为什么

“Bird, you take the top. Cat you take the bottom.”“小鸟,你用上面。

And they did. But they were not very happy.它们就这么做了,但它们并不很

When the bird said go right, spats wanted to go left.小鸟说向右走的时候

When spats said no, the bird said yes.斯派茨说“不”的时候,小鸟却说“

“Look out,” said the bird.“当心!”小鸟说。
“There’s a big dog right in front of us!”“我们前面有只大狗!”
The bird led Spats to the nearest tree.小鸟带着斯派茨跑到了离它们最近的

Soon the dog went away.哪知狗很快就走开了。
Spats thanked the bird for her help.斯派茨很感谢小鸟帮了它。
Then he climbed down the tree.然后,它从树上爬了下来。
“I smell something good to eat,” said Spats.“我闻到有好吃的东西,”

And his nose led them to a hot dog. 它的鼻子带它们找到了一个热狗。
They sheared it.它们一起分享了这顿美餐。
Then spats took a catnap, and the bird looked out for dogs.
All summer long they shared the hat. 整个夏天它们都共用那顶帽子。
They had fun swimming.它们一起游泳,有趣极了。
They had picnics in the park.它们还在公园里野餐。
It was a good summer.真是个美好的夏天。
One day the leaves began to fall.有一天,树叶开始凋落了。
The bird began to put twigs and grass in the hat.小鸟开始往帽子里放小树

The bird brought Spats a wool scarf that she found.小鸟给斯派茨带来了自

It began to snow. 开始下雪了。
But Spats didn’t mind. 但是斯派茨并不在乎。
His neck was warm.因为它的脖子很暖和。
The bird didn’t have to fly south.小鸟也不必飞往南方了。
Winter was as much fun as summer.冬天和夏天一样有趣,
They even made a snowcat.它们甚至还用雪堆了一只小猫。
What a wonderful winter it was!多美妙的冬天啊!
One sunny morning, the snow went away. 一个阳光明媚的早晨,雪融化了。
Spats saw a flower. 斯派茨看到了一朵花。
It was spring!春天来了!
And in the hat there was a new sound.帽子里又有了一个新的声音。
Spats ran as fast as he could to find Milly.斯派茨拼命地跑啊跑,找到了

He had news for her.它要告诉她一个消息。
“Milly,” he said. “You have babies…“米丽,”它说,“你有小宝宝了…

I mean I have…我的意思是我有……
I mean the bird has babies!”我的意思是说,小鸟有小宝宝了!”
“Spats,” said Milly, “You have a family!”“斯派茨,”米丽说,“你有

And they all lived happily ever after.从那以后,它们一起过着幸福的生活

1-3 A Bug, a Bear, and a Boy  一只虫子,一头熊和一个男孩儿的故事
Chapter 1 第一章
This is a bug. 这是一只虫子。
The bug is little.它很小。
This is a bear.这是一头熊。
The bear is big.它很大。
This is a boy.这是一个男孩儿。
The boy is bigger than the bug and smaller than the bear.他比虫子大,比

The bear eats from a bucket.熊用桶吃饭。
The boy eats from a bowl. 男孩儿用碗吃饭。
And the bug eats from a bottle cap.虫子用瓶盖吃饭。
They all read from the same book.他们同看一本书。

Chapter 2 第二章
There go a bug, a boy, and a bear.虫子、男孩儿和熊在往田地里走。
The bear digs the dirt.熊来翻土。
The bug plats seeds.虫子来播种。
The boy waters them.男孩儿来浇水。
The seeds grow into plants.种子发芽了。
A rabbit comes and eats them.一只兔子跑来吃这些植物。
The bear chases the rabbit away—熊把兔子赶跑了——
but the rabbit comes back.但是兔子又回来了。
The bug and the bear and the boy build a fence.虫子、熊和男孩儿钉起了一

Now the plants can grow.这样植物就可以生长了。
And the rabbit can only watch.兔子只能看着。

Chapter 3 第三章
A boy, a bug, and a bear play hid-and-seek.男孩儿、虫子和熊在玩捉迷藏。
The bear is big. The bug and the boy always find him.熊很大,虫子和男孩

The boy is smaller than the bear.男孩儿比熊小。
Sometimes the bug and the bear find the boy.有时虫子和熊能找到他。
Sometimes they do not.有时候它们找不到他。
The bug is little.虫子很小。
The bear and boy do not find the bug.熊和男孩儿找不到它。
They take a nap instead.他们找不到了,就去睡觉。

Chapter 4 第四章
The boy sits in the bath.男孩儿坐在浴缸里。
He has a boat.他有只小船。
The bug sits on the boat.虫子坐在小船上。
The bear is too big to sit on the boat.熊太大了,不能坐在小船上。
The bear is too big to sit in the bath.也不能坐进浴缸里。
He sits on the floor.它就坐在地板上。
The bear blows the boat.熊在吹小船。
He makes waves, too.它还吹出了波浪。
The waves are too big.浪太大了。
The boat tips over.小船翻了。
The boy saves the bug.男孩儿救了虫子。
The bear saves the boat.熊救了小船。
Then they all blow bubbles.然后他们都开始吹泡泡。

Chapter 5 第五章
The bear sleeps on a rug on the floor.熊睡在地板上的小地毯上。
The boy sleeps in a bed.男孩儿睡在床上。
The bug sleeps in a peanut shell.虫子睡在一个花生壳里。
Good night, bug.晚安,虫子。
Good night, boy.晚安,男孩儿。
Good night, bear.晚安,熊。

1-4 I Shop with My Daddy  我陪爸爸买东西

We drive to the store.我们开车去商店。
I open the door.我把门打开。
We take a cart and now we start.我们推了一辆推车,现在可以开始选东西了

We take carrots.我们拿了胡萝卜。
We take cherries.我们拿了樱桃。
We take apples. 我们拿了苹果。
We take berries.我们拿了浆果。
I take milk. 我拿了牛奶。
My dad takes cheese.爸爸拿了奶酪。
“Can we get some cookies, please?”“我们能拿饼干吗?”
Daddy says, “Not today.”爸爸说:“今天不行。”
So I put them away.于是我把饼干放了回去。
We take chicken.我们拿了鸡肉。
We take meat.我们拿了猪肉。
We take fish.我们拿了鱼。
I want a treat.我要痛快地吃一顿(蛋糕)。
Daddy says, “Not today.”爸爸说:“今天不行。”
So I put it away.我把它放了回去。
I take corn.我拿了玉米。
My dad takes peas.爸爸拿了碗豆。
“Can we get some candy, please?”“我们能拿糖果吗?”
Daddy says, “Not today.”爸爸说:“今天不行。”
So I put it away.我把糖果放了回去。
We take beans and rice and spaghetti.我们拿了豆子、米和意大利面条。
We take bread, and we are ready.我们拿了面包,东西都齐了。
It is time for us to pay.我们该付钱了。
We pack our bags.我们把东西装好。
“Good-bye,” we say.“再见,”我们说。
One more thing —还有一样东西要买——
and we’re on our way.我们可以回家了。

1-5 A Tiny Family  小小一家人

Hello. I’m a tiny girl.你好,我是一个小小的女孩儿。
I live with my tiny family in a garden.我和我那些小小的家人住在一个花园

Our home is under the flowers.我们的家在花朵下。
Every morning we have breakfast – corn flakes and a strawberry.
Then my brother and I wash the clothes.然后我和弟弟洗衣服。
We help Grandpa gather the vegetables.我们帮爷爷采摘蔬菜。
Then we all do the cooking.然后我们大家一起做饭。
After the work is done, I like to play leapfrog.活都干完后,我喜欢玩跳

My brother likes to slide.弟弟喜欢滑滑梯。
We both like to climb.我们都喜欢爬高。
One day we climbed to the top of the tallest flower in the garden.
I looked all around.我向四周望了望。
I saw something scary!看到了一件可怕的事情!
A giant girl was sitting near our garden.一个高大的女孩儿正坐在我们的花

She was talking to a giant dog.她在和一只很大的狗说话。
There was something stuck in his paw.狗的爪子上扎了什么东西。
It was Grandpa’s umbrella!那是爷爷的雨伞!
The dog must have stepped on it.那只狗一定是踩到它了。
“What a pretty little umbrella!” said the girl.
And she ran to her house with it.她拿着伞跑回了家。
We had to get Grandpa’s umbrella back.我们得把爷爷的雨伞拿回来。
So that night, when Grandpa was sleeping, my brother and I got up.
We left the garden and went up the hill to the house where the giant

girl lived.
We didn’t go in the front door.我们不能从前门进去。
But we found an open window.但是我们找到了一扇开着的窗户。
Up we climbed.我们爬了上去。
The girl was fast asleep.女孩儿睡得很熟。
Grandpa’s umbrella was on the table.爷爷的雨伞就在桌子上。
I thought I could swing over to the table.我本来以为自己能荡到桌子上呢

But I was wrong.但是我错了。
My brother slid down the curtain and helped me out.弟弟顺着窗帘滑下来把

How could we get up on that table?可我们怎么才能爬到那张桌子上去呢?
I had an idea.我有主意了。
We could build steps up to the top of the table.我们可以把台阶直搭到桌

We used all the blocks.我们把所有的积木都用上了。
Oops! My brother brought me a giant whistle.哎呀!弟弟递给我一个巨大的

We climbed up the whistle and I grabbed the umbrella.
Just then –可就在那时——
the giant girl picked me up.那个高大的女孩儿把我抓了起来。
Oh, I was scared!哦,我吓坏了!
She opened her mouth.她张开了嘴。
“Who are you?” she asked.“你是谁?”她问。
I told her about us.我把我们的事情告诉了她。
I told her that we had come to get Grandpa’s umbrella.
She was very kind.她真好。
She gave us the umbrella and said she would take us back to our garden.
And she did.她真的把我们送了回去。
Then we went to sleep and dreamed about giant people.

1-6 Plenty of Penguins  企鹅的故事

What’s black and white and cute as can be?什么东西有黑有白,很是可爱?
A penguin. That’s me.是企鹅,那就是我。
Do you want to meet my family?你想见见我的家人吗?
Penguins are big.有的企鹅个子大。
And penguins are small.有的企鹅个子小。
We have sharp, pointy feathers.我们有尖尖的羽毛,
But that’s not all…但是,还不止这些呢……
We can have stripes… or spots here and there.我们身上可能会有条纹或是

Long, bushy brows… or spiky hair.我们也会有长长的、浓密的眉毛或是尖尖

There are even gright colors that some of us share.
I live at the South Pole.我住在南极,
It is covered with ice, ice, ice.那里到处都被冰雪覆盖着。
I think ice is very nice.我觉得冰块太棒了。
We have homes in other places, too –我们在别的地方也有家——
South Africa, New Zealand, Australia, and Peru.
We cannot fly up, up, up, and away.我们飞不高也飞不远。
That is stange for a bird, wouldn’t you say?你一定会说:这种鸟可真奇怪

We waddle and hop and have lots of fun.
We swim. And we dive down deep, one by one.我们游泳,一个接一个地跳进水

We find many little fish, squid, and shrimp to eat.我们捉很多小鱼、鱿鱼

They are mmm, mmm good.Yum, Yum – what a treat!嗯……真好吃——简直太

But we have to watch out.不过我们得小心。
We might become meals for killer whales and leopard seals.
On land we live in great, big groups called colonies.
They are also know as rookeries.我们住的地方也叫做群居地。
We make nests. We rest.我们自己筑巢,栖息在那里。
We lay eggs. We keep them warm.我们产蛋,之后开始孵蛋。
We watch, and we wait, and we keep them from harm until…
The eggs hatch!小企鹅孵了出来!
Hooray! Hooray!太棒了!太棒了!
New baby penguin chicks are here to stay.我们的企鹅宝宝出生了!

儿童英语分级读物 外研社 Hello Reader故事城堡1-4级 语速慢 MP3音频+配套文档
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